Archive for September, 2011|Monthly archive page

A Berry Jumbo Jet Screen Shot!

I know that posts to this very blog have been sparse (to say the least!), however life seems to get in the way of thelostcoaster blog. First off in my real life I have been busy finding a new job so that I can leave the insurance business for good and I can now report that I will be starting a new job in October. (Now say it with me “SCORE!”). Some of you may know that my 1st smartphone was an HP/Palm branded WebOS phone. Well recently HP announced that they are now shutting down the WebOS branded phone. It was time to upgrade and I thought WTF? What am I supposed to do now? Well I did my research (RIM Research In Motion Pun Intended) and bought a New BlackBerry Torch 9850. Of course it is decked out in all my Jumbo Jet stuff and Yes kids I have the Jumbo Jet ring tone installed. So as soon as things settle down in my real life, I’ll get back to regular post. Fall is here and have a great HalloWeekend! Let’s Ride! BOO!!