Archive for October, 2011|Monthly archive page

Jumbo Jet, You must be this tall to ride!

My first time riding the Jumbo Jet was back in 1974 and I was just tall enough to ride the Jumbo Jet (think dorky lanky kid and that’s me!) Over at PointBuzz there is a discussion going on about ride height signs. (See “CP ride height sign from the 70’s”). In the discussion, Walt has taken one of the pictures that Mike G sent me and has pointed out the “You must be this tall to ride sign” that was in front of the Jumbo Jet queue:
Thanks to Walt over at PointBuzz

Jet Star 2 Elektrėnų atrakcionų parke

Another great video of this Jet Star 2 in Lithuania. I found this clip on YouTube and you may recognize the rider at the very end. Looks to be the same person that sent me all the great photos a few post back. (See Jet Star 2 in Lithuania!)

Here is the second video that Gordonas let me know about; Jet Star 2 Elektrėnų atrakcionų parke test ride before the real ride!

I think that I need to head over and meet Gordonas for a ride… Let’s Ride!