Archive for July, 2009|Monthly archive page

Broke in Fort Fun!

I just finished a week of work after returning from vacation. I had a great time at Waldameer riding the “Steel Dragon”, “Ravine Flyer II” and the “Mega Vortex”. So this weekend I am flat broke, but still have the urge to ride and we have no amusement park close to Fort Fun. Oh yea IB is several hours away, however that takes money in the gas tank. This weekend in Fort Fun, starts the annual Three Rivers Festival and yes there will be rides. Now the real question is should I trust a traveling carnival to be safe? To bad we don’t have an amusement park in downtown, we could call it “Mad Anthony’s Fort Fun”! I can see it now… (entering dream zone) A spinning coaster from Maurer Söhne… Oh WOW there is the new Splinter from the Gravity Group… I see the tilt-a-whirl, scrambler (entering reality) So I guess at this point if I really want to ride I will need to trust the traveling carnival. Let’s Ride!

Ravine Flyer II

For the most part a steel coaster is my ride of choice. I was at Waldameer to ride the Steel Dragon Spinning Coaster and while I was there I got the chance to ride the Ravine Flyer II. This coaster was engineered by “The Gravity Group” and is the Golden Ticket award winner for best new ride in 2008. I found this POV video on YouTube:

Waldameer is located in Erie PA and the Ravine Flyer II is it major attraction along with the Steel Dragon and Mega Vortex. Check out all the rides at Waldameer. Let’s Ride!

Ride is never the same… Twice!

Maurer Söhne says that you will never get the same ride twice with the SC2000 spinning coaster. So I thought I would put that to the test with the Steel Dragon at Waldameer Amusement Park and Water World.


Waldameer is a small park located in Erie PA and they offer free admission with individual ride tickets or ride as much as you like. We decided to do the evening $15.00 ride all you want and entered the park after 7:00 PM. First stop was the Steel Dragon and what a blast this little coaster is. A new “spin” on the traditional mouse type coaster. Each ride is very unique and will spin you at different ways. Each car can handle up to 4 persons. We rode with a full car and then with only 2 in the front seats and I got to tell you we got more spins with only 2 people riding. Also at the park the Ravine Flyer II, the 2008 Golden Ticket Award for best new ride and New for 2009 the Mega Vortex. If ya have time get to Erie PA and check out the Steel Dragon spinning coaster at Waldameer!

ALSO more to come on the Ravine Flyer II… I know I am a steely dan kinda of guy but this WOODIE was very nice! Let’s Ride!