Archive for the ‘Old Orchard Beach’ Category

Jumbo Jet at night by the beach!

If your a regular reader of this blog you may have seen the post cards that ryanjm13 sent me. (The post was entitled “Greetings from…”). Now ryanjm13 did not know that my email address had changed and he had sent something to my old live account and just by chance I decided to log in and boy am I glad that I did. ryanjm13 writes here is a view of the jumbo jet lit up at night along old orchard beach. the radar antenna used to look really good at night especially when you can see it from far away along the beachHow cool is that? Way Cool! Thanks out to ryanjm13 and make sure you send future emails to the new address! Let’s Ride!

Greetings from….

Greetings from Old Orchard Beach Maine… I got an email from ryanjm13 after he placed a comment on this very blog:
I have an old post card from old orchard beach (palace playland) and the JJ that they used to have is consistent with the one from CP due to the red track with blue supports and the same style sign mounted on the top. also lists Cedar points and Palace Playlands as the same one.

Here is what he sent me:

Greetings From Old Orchard Beach Main 1Greetings From Old Orchard Beach Main 2

Very Cool… We now have proof that Palace Playland had a Jumbo Jet, the only question is it our beloved Jumbo Jet from Cedar Point? The hunt continues for thelostcoaster! Got something in your collection that relates to the Jumbo Jet drop me a comment or find me on twitter @thelostcoaster