Archive for December, 2010|Monthly archive page

Happy Holidays from thelostcoaster!

Boy is it cold out side! Can you believe that yet another holiday season is upon us? I wonder if the Jumbo Jet is covered in snow over in Minsk Belarus as it sits waiting for the warmer weather at Dreamland. I wanted to repost these pictures of our beloved Jumbo Jet and think what a great card either one would make. Season Greetings this Holiday Season from thelostcoaster and oh yea one more thing… Let’s Ride!

Super Cedar Point 1978

I was out surfing the interweb yet again and came across a really great Super 8 video on YouTube. “Le célébre parc d’attraction de l’Ohio, Cedar Point en juillet 1978. Tiré d’une vidéo super 8, c’est un document rare et exceptionnel.” which translates to “The famous amusement park in Ohio, Cedar Point in July 1978. From a video super 8, is a rare and exceptional document”. You can see a brief pan of the Jumbo Jet at the very end.

Something to keep you warm until opening day at Cedar Point. Let’s Ride!

Another Lost Sign?

We have all heard the stories about the location of several Jumbo Jets. One is that the Jumbo Jet that was at Morey’s Pier was sold to a german broker and he then traded the Jumbo Jet for 2 rail cars of tomato ketchup. Final destination of MP’s Jumbo Jet? “Gorky Park” in Moscow! (Not Confirmed satellite images do not show a Jumbo Jet in Gorky Park) Cedar Point’s Jumbo Jet landed in Beoland and then move to Dreamland in Minsk Belarus missing it’s famous Jumbo Jet sign. CP’s Jumbo Jet made a stop in Sweden and as we reported back on 11/13/2009 with our blog post entitled “The lost sign?” that a WildCat or Galaxi style roller coaster was sporting a Jumbo Jet sign:Well here is the story of Coney Islands Jumbo Jet, it was sold to a traveling showman in China. I came across this picture of Coney Island’s Jumbo Jet Sign on with a blog post entitled “Ground Zero” about half way down on the page. I would love to post the picture of this sign, however I cannot because of copyright issues. I have written the site and ask for permission to post on this very blog. So for now you’ll need to go to to see a very cool shot of Coney Island’s Jumbo Jet sign. Seems that this would make the second Jumbo Jet with a missing Jumbo Jet sign. Lost coasters and lost signs, the search continues….. Let’s Ride!