Archive for June, 2013|Monthly archive page

Proof… Jumbo Jet at Palace Playland!

I received a comment on one of my many post from a reader named Pete… “I actually ran the Jumbo Jet in Old Orchard Beach from 1981 through 1984. I don’t think it was there in 1985 as it was replaced with other rides such as go carts. I know I have a photo that I can round up but it consists of 3 photos that when pieced together make up the Jumbo Jet. I remember that in the control booth, there were references written on the wall for cedar Point.” Perhaps MikeG can shed some light… Pete went on to say “The cars were motor driven to the top so if anything failed, we would have to climb a ladder built into the coaster to the car and with a break release bar we would bring it down in reverse 6 inches at a time” So I asked Pete if he could send me these pictures… Look what we have… Proof that Jumbo Jet was in Palace Playland and that it is the one from Cedar Point… Here is the picture all pieced together…
Jumbo Jet at Palace Playground

Thanks a bunch Pete…

МТС 10 лет, Дримленд, корпоратив, отдыхаемс. :)

I’ve found another great video of our beloved Jumbo Jet in Minsk Belarus. It’s kind of a point of view, but from the back of the car. A really neat prospective…

Time to start planning a trip to Minsk Belarus… Let’s Ride!