Archive for the ‘Indiana Beach’ Category

IB’s Steel Hawg, POV

If you have not had time to get over to Indiana Beach and ride the Steel Hawg, here is a great point of view video from CoasterForce (Twitter, Main Site):

After seeing this video, it may be worth the drive to IB. Let’s Ride!

IB’s Lost Coaster Part 2

If you are close to Indiana Beach, then you’ve got to get over and ride The Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain. This little coaster has to be one of the coolest wooden coasters that I have ever ridden. The Gravity Group has a concept coaster called the Splinter, base on The Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain, which is for the most part an indoor wooden coaster with the highest point of 20′. Here is another video from The Gravity Group:

While your at IB, don’t forget to ride the Steel Hawg… Let’s Ride!

The REAL Lost Coaster

Several weeks ago I was at Indiana Beach, home to some really neat coasters including the Steel Hawg, Galaxi, Cornball Express, Hoosier Hurricane, and Tig’rr (A cousin of the Jumbo Jet) plus various other thrill rides. They are also home to the Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain, which is a converted dark ride. Someone who now works for the Gravity Group did the change from a traditional dark ride to a cool little indoor wooden coaster. On the Gravity Group’s website is a new concept ride called the Splinter, which is an indoor wooden coaster based on the Lost Coaster and Indiana Beach. Here is a video linking the Splinter and the Lost Coaster:

The Splinter is only 20′ high and reaches at top speed of 21 mph in a space of 85′ x 100′. The Track length 710′. What a cool little wooden coaster! Let’s Ride!